Apple Moves to 2nd Campus


 Apple has recently publicized a bird’s eye view shot (in 4K resolution) of its new construction project named “Campus 2” in the starting phases of recent month.


This shot clearly indentifies the sufficient work progress that has been made on the building structure and nearby areas. In a routine manner, Apple has shared its second campus progress snapshots via official webpage of City of Cupertino that will update the locals regarding the project’s movement and traffic alerts.

Few weeks back, Apple shared a Hawk’s eye video of its latest construction, but the latest snapshot gives an entire different glance of second campus showing more progress on the site comparatively to last shared video.

After the completion of Apple’s latest campus, it will greatly cater the company with having the capacity of 12,000 employees on geographic area of 176-acre in Cupertino nearby its head quarter.  According to the CEO of Apple Tim Cook, I think Campus is expected to be the greenest building in the earth.”

The company’s graphical project summary indicates that, the Demolition related work which has been started since Q4 of 2013 finished in last quarter of 2014 and street utilities work is also in its ending phases. However, the planning continues to wrap up the Earthwork workings in between second and third quarter of 2015, while Building construction will take the entire year of 2015 and the next as well.

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