Ghanaian Fashion Industry Gets Global Attention


Inevitably, clothing and apparel is considered as one of the biggest consumer segment across the globe. The clothing is a basic necessity for the human beings in order to spend their lives with elegance.

Similarly, there are a number of fashion markets that are appealing enough to grab the attention of customers. Therefore, the trend of enhancement in the world of clothing and apparel is also being taken place in underdeveloped countries such as Ghana. The fashion industry of Ghana is now greatly accommodated by couple of international association like through the commencement of Ethical fashion project headed by International Trade Centre and the product development Centre (PDC) in the capital state of Ghana.

Product Development Centre (PDC) is deemed as vital essence that is regulated by the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Ghana. However, the government of Switzerland has also been engaged in supporting the respective cause to buildhighly dynamic and charismatic ethical fashion market in this particular region. In this regard, the clothing technology cum training center has been inaugurated in Accra that aims to ensure delivery of promising fashion designs and at the same time, promote skilled fashion design learners by ensuring fully equipped and professional environment that enables them in building up their creations in an effective manner.

During the opening ceremony of respective project, the chief director of MOTI, Dawarnoda Baeka shared his experience that, the ministry has been committed for a long time to elevate the performance of Ghana’s Clothing and apparel sector, but the consequences has not met the marking criteria. The chief director drew the attention of Swiss economics affairs department to have firm believe over the Ethical Fashion Project of Ghana and avoid any misconducts that may paint a negative picture potentially. Moreover, he advised to search out effective techniques to support and augment the further interconnected activities throughout the country.

The project is a result of joint efforts made by MOTI and Swiss government that has been implemented by the Internal Trade Centre (ITC).The purpose of Ethical fashion project is to construct Ghana as a major sustainable export market for ethical based clothing to large and small medium enterprises.In accordance to Simone Cipriani, the head of ethical fashion movement, the fundamental aspiration of the project is to promote domestic African designers and show the world that the reserves of creativity falls in African region as well.

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