Lamudi Facilitates 50 Million Nigerian Mobile Users with First Ever Hotline


One of the greatest phenomenons in online real estate platform “Lamudi” has recently come up with unique approach by launching first ever hotline for queries recognized as Dial-4-Home.

The local news agency suggested that, the core intention behind in the development of hotline is to enhance the market penetration of Lamudi’s leading internet marketplace in order to gain the access of huge records of housing properties in the Nigeria. This will certainly enable the company to get connected with 50 million phone users which are deprived of talking internet pleasure from their smart phone and tablets.

During the launching ceremony of Lamudi’s hot line number, the managing director of the company in Nigeria region commissioned that, the country contain four-folded bigger mobile phone users, who are still deprived from internet facility within their devices. Hence, the company is aiming to catch the uncovered population with the initiative of unveiling Dial-4-Home, so that the major chunk of property dealer can easily be attracted without having to access internet. The users can avail all the services available on their online portal.

The word Technology doesn’t mean all about internet but it makes sure the relevancy, accessibility and praiseworthy to cater wide range of users. The reason behind launching Dial4Home enables the customers to get the supreme services of Lamudi without considering internet as mandatory medium. With the help of calls and SMS, they can easily catch all the access of gigantic database, to select from easy on the pocket to exclusive housing properties, he stated.

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