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Caustic Soda Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Factories and Distributors
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Caustic Soda

    Caustic soda is a common name of Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, Soda caustica, Soda lye, and Sodium hydrate. The chemical formula of caustic soda is NaOH. Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is an essential inorganic substance produced by the electrolysis of salt (or less commonly from natural deposits of soda ash on reacting through lime). Caustic soda (NaOH) is found in liquid and solid both forms. Liquid caustic soda (NaOH) is a colorless odorless liquid. Solid caustic soda (NaOH) micropearls are white odorless solids. Caustic soda is extremely sarcastic and reactive. Caustic soda can be hurt to the eyes, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

    Caustic soda is an important ingredient in an array of usage or applications like Textiles, Pulp and paper, Bleach manufacturing, Petroleum products, Aluminum production, Chemical processing, Soap making, Water treatment, Cleaners for drain, pipe , beverage bottles, oven cleaner and other household cleaning products.

    World production of caustic soda is about 60 million tones. Its major markets are USA, Western Europe and Japan being established and only growing slowly, China is motivating the growth in demand for caustic soda. China is the world’s leading caustic soda manufacturer 28% of world demand and is also the largest consumer, overtaking the US in 2005.

    TradeKey aims to make easy international trade and bring buyers and sellers from all over the world to one common platform. We have many caustic soda manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, buyers, importers, wholesalers of Caustic soda from all over the world. Especially the Caustic soda sells and purchases well, we have confidence if you want to buy or sell Caustic soda in global market, TradeKey is the best place to promote you business.
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TradeKey.com is one of the leading B2B Marketplace that helps caustic soda buyers to instantly connect with quality caustic soda manufacturers & suppliers from all over the world including caustic soda from China , USA, Turkey and other countries.
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