Food Packaging Patterns and its Functions


Inevitably, food products are the most consumable item in any retail store as it is an important part of our life in order to survive. The overall concern of the customer is that the food should be fresh and preserved. The packaging comes next to it as it will not harm the product but ensure the quality, safety and sustain the freshness of the food for a long period. Moreover, the food items are more vulnerable in terms of danger in comparison with any other retail product in the world. Therefore, the manufactures are probably more cautious for food packaging because any minor blunder can create huge financial loss and wastage of resources by them. The fundamental dilemma that may encounter after producing food item is its packaging. There are different types of food packaging that can be exploited by considering certain aspects such as food category, quality, process standards and others. However, the types of food packaging will be discussed in the following section of the article.

Glass packaging

The glass packaging can be comprised of glass jars or bottles and mainly exploited for preserving juices, sauces and other liquid items. The bottle’s cap enables the food to uphold the freshness even the bottle stored food does not require any refrigeration before first hand use. The glass packaging has the tendency to keep the food fresh for a long span of time. One more positive feature of the packaging is that it allows the user to see inside the jar or bottle in the case of the transparency factor otherwise the designed packaging make it imperceptible due to prevention of light exposure.

Aluminum packaging

The function of aluminum packaging is not veiled as it is used to keep the food warm and fresh. The best part of utilizing aluminum packaging is that it is affordable due to economical price and is prepared through recycling materials. However, the aluminum can be recyclable and especially when the quantity of steel is higher in aluminum cans.

Plastic packaging

Plastic is the most common and repeatedly practical method for packaging the food in every retail store.  Plastic packaging is available in several wraps, casing, basket, bags, pouches etc. The basket is efficient to use as it stores the food in bulk quantity while, the plastic wraps is used for sealing the plastic buckets and casing. The plastic pouches can be considered as universally use packaging in these days they are smart approach, less in weight and recyclable.

Metal packaging

Metals are mainly used in containers to stockpile the products like vegetable and fruits they give the assurance of airtight option that maintain the freshness of the items for a long term period.

Paper and Cardboard packaging

These packaging alternatives are eco-friendly and used to store snacks, dry fruits etc. The paper can also be exploited to formulate lightweight cartons and as a designing cover attached on the plastic and glass packaging.

There are also different food packagings that have already been introduced in the market like clamshell packing and other that are becoming trendy for food storage purpose. Therefore, before purchasing any of the products, you should get familiar with those packaging and their functions to avoid any damage or mishap. Always refer to above food packaging that will clarify the relevant packaging for specific food product.

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