First Centurial Decline Experiencing by Chinese Coal Industry


The BusinessGreen Reports revealed that the annual coal production in China dropped by 2.1% in last year if matches it with 2013.

The reforms in Chinese renewable energy sector has painted negative picture over the Coal sector, as confirmed by report which came down in 2014 as compared to last year.

The news is spreading like a spark as local media divulged that, it is first time in the century when the annual production fell by 2.1% amounting 3.5 billion tonnes in 2014.

The national association of Coal forecasted that the decline will further increase resting at 2.5% over upcoming years. However, the VP of China National Coal Association (CNCA), Jiang Zhimin stated in a statement that the industry will further lose annual production from 2.1% to 2.5% depends upon its consumption.

The industry claims that there are number of elements that are associated for derailing the production of coal and the foremost source is heavy rainfalls that have boosted the demand of hydroelectric consumption and badly impact the production of coal. In addition, the government has constrained the export of second grade coal which has also badly hit the annual production of coal industry which was already suffering with 20% reduction in coal prices.

The news agency Xinhua analyzed that the major reason for the downturn of coal industry is due to high engagement of resources, investment and favorable regulations to the renewable energy sector which has decreased the production of coal and promoting green energy.

Xinhua further reported that during the period 2005 to 2013, the total emissions per GDP were reduced by 29% in China. However, it has been observed from the latest facts that it has further gone down to 4.8%, which is certainly a big achievement for the country to execute such measures for promoting clean energy nationwide by soaring investments.

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