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Shark safety program in Australia being condemned all over


Due to higher shark bites over the years, the government of Australia had allowed for a drum-line project in order to bait the incoming sharks on the Eastern coasts so the swimmers and beach enjoyers can be easy at what they are there to do.

Since 2010 till 2013, there had been 7 reported deaths of shark bites on the western coastal too, hence the Australian government took action accordingly and created a Western Australian Shark Cull policy under which drum lines and shark nets have been set up at approximately 1% of its 20,000 KM long coastline; which makes it up to a 200 KM stretch of the abovementioned security measures.

One may ask if the drum line is an ATTRACTING TOOL or just a preventer for the people inside its vicinity! This drum line consists of single barrels filled with rigid polyurethane foam to keep them afloat; just enough from getting them stolen for storage purposes by others! There are two lines attached with the barrels, with one being grounded at sea flooring and the other one acting as the Shark Bait with the hooks baited with false jacopever and red mullet. Only a handful, that is 500 grams of quantity, is applied as bait so that no ATTRACTION takes place instead of DISTRACTION.

As for the environmental purposes, many social groups and NGOs alongside are taking interest in the decision, with more of them condemning the activity. There are more disadvantages compared to the advantages of these security measures. Sharks, especially the great white sharks, is already endangered and being cautiously preserved in the Australian Seas. History shows, only a small number of sharks survive the baits from these drums; and that too only when the shark sizes are big enough. On the contrary, in the period of 2004-2008, only 4 fatal attacks were recorded per year. To make it worse, these drum lines are also the reason for by-catches of other species including sea turtles and dolphins. There is also such evidence provided by anonymous people reporting the dolphins stealing baits from these drum lines, thus leaving them useless altogether.


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