North Korean Embassy Shows off UKs Best Scenery


This was the first time when North Korean embassy showcased the artistic work of four state-sponsored artists, reported by NK news. It gave an unusual outlook to the Britons in the heart of British capital Bolthole.

The people of Britain had got a chance to visit the Ealing-based embassy to explore the four artist’s work of North Korean Republic after they spent two weeks painting scenes from UK which captivated their imaginations.

The Mansudae Art Studio is located in Pyongyang, capital of North Korea, containing up to 4000 employees accountable to gather overall artwork of the country including government posters to paintings work.

The oil painter, Ho Jae-song talked with NK news that, “he coincided with his visit to UK; artists normally work Monday to Friday as part of their job at the studio.”

Typically it varies from artist to artist and their approaches. In order to compose factual paintings regarding the landscape scenarios and the lifestyle of the country, the artists mainly hit various places to get the real image of their culture and beliefs, gather useful information and create research studies. On the basis of studies, they started creating fine art that matches the real scenario from every aspect. Their visits can also be extended to couple of weeks of even months depending upon the level of complexity, he added.

The other artist Hong Song-Il, also shared insights to NK news agency that, "the time when you are associated and become a part of the Mansudae Art Studio, you will feel proud on it for sure.”

Once you get the success on your creative practices, then you can confidently say that, "I work at Mansudae and I am an artist of Mansudae."

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